EUROSTATE offers a primary external (distance or online) degree program called the EUROSTATE Master in European Administration and Diplomacy (MEAD).
This represents a comprehensive, outcome-based program at the end of which students can expect to master the following competencies:
Professional paper / report writing
Critical Reasoning / Argumentation
Essential IT skills: MS-Office, Networking, Database Concepts, Web Design
Project Management Certification
Theoretical and practical understanding of Global Economics
Proficiency in another EU official language in addition to English
Knowledge of:
- EU Institutions including ECB
- EU Country profiles
- European Law
- European Trade and Agriculture
- Theory and practice of EU diplomacy
The EUROSTATE MEAD represents at least 55 ECTS (37 US credit hours) of academic coursework - actual equivalent study time is closer to 60 ECTS but program concentration makes the program more affordable.
This program is compliant with Bologna Process guidelines and comes with a full ECTS documentation / transcript + diploma supplement.

[Above: the seat of the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg)
This program prepares students (and working professionals, as well as officials) for EU leadership positions with:
EU Institutions
National Institutions
National and Regional Governments
International Organizations
Non-Governmental Organizations and Foundations
European-oriented corporations

European Trade & Agriculture [EU-AGT]
Second Official EU language [EXTERNAL]
European Business, Economics, Finance with focus on Euro-Zone [EUR-620]
European Diplomacy and Foreign Relations [EUR-701]
Final Major Paper / Monograph [Faculty Directed]

Recommended: download the comprehensive MEAD program documentation with syllabi for all courses and ECTS documentation.
Recommended: download the basic MEAD program documentation without syllabi for all courses and ECTS documentation.
Recommended: Link to EUCLID/EUROState
Recommended: EUCLID Online Master in Diplomacy and International Affairs |