Note: In 2009, the "Euclid University Consortium (Pôle d'Extension Universitaire Euclide)" was renamed Euclid Consortium to avoid confusion between the Consortium and EUCLID (Pôle Universitaire Euclide / Euclid University).
Summary: EUCLID is a degree-granting institution, whereas the Euclid Consortium (previously called Euclid University Consortium) is a group or network of universities created in 2005 and which is not itself degree-granting. EUCLID was created as a member of the Consortium (2008) and the commitment to support the member universities is unchanged.
All programs developed by the Consortium are now only offered through EUCLID.
Official Website (Euclid Consortium)

- ULI (Université Libre Internationale, Belgium) (Private)
- UBRC (University of Bangui) (Governmental)
- UNDT (N'Djamena University) (Governmental)
- ULB (Université Libre of Burkina) (Private)
In 2006 and 2007, IOSD signed governmental / intergovernmental MOUs by which means E2C became an official educational partner or provider for OIC/ICCI and the Government of Eritrea.
With the completion of the EUCLID Phase 2 initiative effective June 2008, EUC is the approved extension of the following universities:
- EUCLID (Pôle Universitaire Euclide / Euclid University) (Intergovernmental) +
- UNDT (N'Djamena University) (Public-Governmental) +
- ULI (Université Libre Internationale, Belgium) (Private) *
- UBRC (University of Bangui) (Public-Governmental) +
- ULB (Université Libre of Burkina) (Private) *
- UGB (Université Gaston Berger de Saint Louis) (Public-Governmental) *
- Université des Comores *
+ = primary degree-granting institution
++ = secondary joint degree-granting institution
* = Euclid Consortium member university which is not a joint degree-granting institution |