EUCLID is a specialized intergovernmental organization established in 2008, holding a university mandate and charter published in the United Nations Treaty Series (certificates 49006/49007).
It is among the world's few "international / intergovernmental" universities, and a full member in good standing of the key academic bodies, including the Academic Council on the United Nations Systems (ACUNS), UN Academic Impact, UN PRME, etc. EUCLID is duly listed in the UNESCO IAU World Higher Education Database (WHED) which is used throughout the UN employment system and by credentials evaluators.
Among other services, EUCLID offers specialized distance-learning and online distance learning programs to government-sponsored as well as general public students. Its goal is to prepare "expert leaders for international civil service and global careers." EUCLID's academic motto is "Let us also hear the other side (Audi et alteram partem in Latin)" and its vision statement for students development and preparation, both government-sponsored and general public is: "Become Globalized."
EUCLID's flagship program is its standard-setting online master in diplomacy and international affairs, or MDIA which has qualified many diplomats globally. EUCLID also offers doctoral-level programs in diplomacy, sustainable development and international public health, as well as a new joint degree program in international public administration.
EUCLID (Euclid University) is proud to announce that Djibouti has officially become a Participating State in the university’s international consortium of member states. This new participation and partnership further enhance EUCLID’s commitment to providing world-class, global higher education through participation of and collaboration with sovereign states.. | Full Article
As part of the commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), EUCLID Secretary-General Winston Dookeran was invited to deliver a lecture entitled “Structure and Synergy in Development – The Caribbean Setting and its Future.” This lecture was part of a series of academic lectures by representatives of prestigious institutions of higher learning including Harvard and Oxford University.. | Full Article
EUCLID University is pleased to announce that Prof. Fanneh has been appointed Chairman of the Research and Innovation Committee (RIC) of the Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP). Additionally, OC Member and Founding President Syed Zahid has been elected to the AUAP Executive Board. | Full Article
EUCLID (Euclid University) is proud to announce that Djibouti has officially become a Participating State in the university’s international consortium of member states. This new participation and partnership further enhance EUCLID’s commitment to providing world-class, global higher education through participation of and collaboration with sovereign states. | Full Article
EUCLID Secretary-General was invited to deliver a lecture at the Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), an Indian government body. On this occasion, he met with EUCLID's Oversight Council Chair in France to record an interview on wide-ranging matters. | Full Article
On November 29, 2023, EUCLID (Euclid University) organized a recognition and graduation event for select graduates and alumni, notably those able to travel from within the African continent. The convocation took place at the impressive Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara International Conference Center in the presence of The Honorable Minister of Higher Education Dr Pierre Gomez. . | Full Article
EUCLID (Euclid University) was officially approved as an intergovernmental observer at the COP28 and authorized to send a high-level. Prof Charalee Graydon headed the EUCLID delegation and attended a number of high-level events while creating more visibility for EUCLID’s work in climate change education.. | Full Article
As part of the commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), EUCLID Secretary-General Winston Dookeran was invited to deliver a lecture entitled “Structure and Synergy in Development – The Caribbean Setting and its Future.” This lecture was part of a series of academic lectures by representatives of prestigious institutions of higher learning including Harvard and Oxford University.. | Full Article
On November 29, 2023, EUCLID (Euclid University) organized a recognition and graduation event for select graduates and alumni, notably those able to travel from within the African continent. The convocation took place at the impressive Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara International Conference Center in the presence of The Honorable Minister of Higher Education Dr Pierre Gomez. . | Full Article
As part of Side Event organized at the United Nations Headquarters in cooperation with the Permanent Missions of Sierra Leone, Uganda and Central African Republic, EUCLID recognized Ambassador Francess Anderson with a special graduation event held in the presence of representatives of more than 15 UN Member States. | Full Article
Following years of research and interviewing, EUCLID has completed and is now announcing the availability of its new online MBA in Hospitality and Luxury Management. This program will be closely related with EUCLID revised MBA in Global Entrepreneurship. | Full Article
In close cooperation with the Permanent Mission of Sierra Leone but also of Uganda and Central African Republic, EUCLID co-organized a UN Side Event on Treaty Law and Country Branding attended by representatives of 17 UN Member States. | Full Article
EUCLID SG Winston Dookeran was formally invited by the United Nations Economic Commission on Latin America to offer a high-level presentation, which was delivered in person in Bogota, Bolivia in April 2023. This international UN conference was attended by a large international delegation of ministers from more than 20 countries. | Full Article
EUCLID was pleased to learn that PhD alumni and now faculty member Sejla Durbuzovic was appointed as Deputy Permanent Representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations in New York. | Full Article
As announced in 2022, EUCLID has implemented its tuition adjustment to reflect a COL increase of ~15%. Per credit tuition is set at USD169 and ECOWAS/IGO tuition is now set at USD145 per credit. IAF remains unchanged at USD850. Payments in XAF and GMD are now possible. | Full Article
Several papers authored by EUCLID faculty members (and students) have been published in peer-reviewed academic journals. These include “Quo Vadis, Dottore? Religious, Philosophical and Medical Perspectives on the Quest for Immortality” by Profs v. Schwarz and Cleenewerck; “First confirmed case of Monkeypox in Adamawa State, Nigeria: a clinico-epidemiological case report” by Dr Semeeh Omoleke; “The impact of the legalization of Bitcoin in the Central African Republic: A legal analysis” by Prof Katterbauer. | Full Article
June 2022
In line with the appointment of new members of the faculty corps, EUCLID has announced the immediate availability of newly developed and approved specialized programs, including online PhDs in Academic and Research Medicine; in Bioethics; in Translational Research and Medicine; and in Monitoring and Evaluation. | Full Article
EUCLID is pleased to announce the signature of a memorandum of understanding with Claretian University (Nigeria), a respected and dynamic Roman Catholic university with full governmental recognition. This partnership will strengthen both institutions in the ECOWAS region and internationally. | Full Article
EUCLID is pleased to announce its institutional membership in important international bodies, namely The Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) and the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education (GCCHE) (an initiative of Columbia University). These important engagements build on EUCLID's growing intergovernmental and international reach in both global health, bioethics and academic medicine.| Full Article
June 2022
EUCLID is pleased to announce that recognized cardiologist and medical researcher Dr Ernst von Schwarz has joined the EUCLID faculty to support the institution’s new program in bioethics and academic medicine. Dr Schwarz has an impressive record of publications and completed his third doctorate at EUCLID (in theology) prior to joining the faculty corps. | Full Article
The EUCLID Gambia Board of Advisors held its first meeting in EUCLID’s new headquarters Building in June 2022 and witnessed the special graduation visit of The Honorable Samuel Dotse (of Ghana), a recent DSDD doctoral graduate. | Full Article
In close cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education, EUCLID and ENAM organized a special seminar on quality assurance in higher education, which led to the creation by Parliament of a new agency called ANAQAES. | Full Article
May 2022
EUCLID is pleased to announce that the EUCLID School of Global Health and Bioethics will now officially be named “The Tristram H. Engelhardt School of Global Health and Bioethics at EUCLID University” to honor the memory and legal of this great medical doctor, academic and bioethicist (with the kind approval of Ms Susan Engelhardt). | Full Article
Effective July 1, 2022, all EUCLID tuition fees will be computed in US dollars. All mentions of EURO tuition fees will be phased out over the course of several weeks by the IT and Web teams. The core tuition of USD 145 per credit remains in effect until September 1, 2022, after which a decision will be made on a possible 15% increase to reflect both global economic and institutional changes. | Full Article
EUCLID is pleased to announce to all its stakeholders that on the 08th March 2022, it received official notification of institutional accreditation from the National Accreditation Quality Assurance Authority (NAQAA). | Full Article
February 2022
EUCLID announces the signature of MOUs with Sanskriti University (India) and the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme (IUSDRP). | Full Article
EUCLID is pleased to report on several faculty updates and appointments, including the publication of Secretary-General Winston Dookeran's new book The Caribbean on the Edge: The Political Stress of Stability, Equality, and Diplomacy). | Full Article
EUCLID is pleased to congratulate Prof Charalee Graydon for her well-received book presentation as part of the UN COP26 conference. | Full Article
October 2021
EUCLID congratulates SG Dookeran and VC Camara for their recent publications which continue to reflect highly on EUCLID's academic visibility and contribution. | Full Article
EUCLID congratulates long-time faculty member and friend Collen Kelapile who was recently elected 77th President of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). | Full Article
EUCLID is pleased to announce its relocation to a larger and dedicated building near its former location in Brusubi (Banjul Capital Region, Gambia). The new building HQ is slated to be inaugurated by the Board of Advisors in early October 2021. | Full Article
EUCLID welcomes Amb. Dr. Prof. George Said-Zammit of the Republic of Malta as professor of Social Sciences. Dr Said-Zammit was recently appointed and credentialized as ambassador of the Republic of Malta to the Republic of Georgia. | Full Article
EUCLID is pleased to announce program completion and degree issuance for a number of students during the first half of 2021. These include Louisa Garbo (PhD Mediation, Canada), Dejan Ivkov (Master in Mediation, Red Cross), Tobias Volz (PhD Mediation, Germany and Georgia), Uralise Delaire (PhD Diplomacy, Governement of Saint Lucia). | Full Article
On Monday January 25, 2021, the Association of Caribbean States and EUCLID formally signed a Memorandum of Understanding. H.E. Rodolfo Sabonge, ACS Secretary General, and EUCLID SG Winston Dookeran signed the document in a virtual ceremony organized by the ACS headquarters in Port of Spain. | Full Article
EUCLID congratulates US President Joe Biden on the occasion of his official inauguration as 46th President of the United States, and CAR President Faustin Touadéra on the occasion of his reelection as 7th Head of State of the Central African Republic. Joe Biden was hosted by Robin van Puyenbroeck and UNA NY in 2017 (photo); Faustin Touadéra is the founding rector and patron of EUCLID. | Full Article
EUCLID is pleased to announce newly approved programs for 2021: a PhD in Global Governance, a Master's in Monitoring and Evaluation, and an MPA in International Development. A number of existing courses (modules) will also be available to the general public as graduate certificates. | Full Article
Winston Dookeran was appointed by the Oversight Council as EUCLID's Secretary-General, effective July 1, 2020. A former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Finance and Central Bank Governor, Mr Dookeran bring a wealth of international experience to the institution. Winston Dookeran, an LSE graduate, will continue to serve as Professor of Practice at the University of the West Indies. | Full Article
EUCLID is pleased to announce that it has been approved by the Ministerial Council of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) to obtain the official status of "Social Actor." EUCLID will announce special programs for the ACS in the Fall. | Full Article
The EUCLID Oversight Council confirms that COVID-19 is not affecting EUCLID operations, and that ongoing closure of 'on-campus' institutions confirms the relevancy of its education model in which EUCLID is the only intergovernmental leader. In the full article, EUCLID also provides an important 2020/2021 outlook on this crisis. | Full Article
EUCLID was able to express its support to the people of The Gambia by purchasing and delivering bags of rice during this difficult time. The EUCLID Gambia HQ team, notably Director Loum, is to be commended for this timely initiative. | Full Article
The EUCLID Oversight Council, in accordance with the Statutes, has declared the office of Secretary-General vacant at the end of Mr. Syed Zahid Ali's second term, on 16 April 2020. Candidates have been announced in a communication to Participating States. | Full Article
In January 2020, H.E. Ambassador Martial Ndoubou had the kindness to receive in his Washington DC embassy graduating student P. Tchouke (who is also on the EUCLID staff), and to present his official EUCLID degree certificate. EUCLID maintains an important liaison office in Washington DC (Georgetown), a few miles away from the major embassies. | Full Article
EUCLID is pleased to announce the signature of a Cooperation Agreement with the "Inter-State School of Veterinary Medicine," an intergovernmental institution specialized in veterinary medicine based in Senegal. The agreement also foresees the development of an association of intergovernmental institutions of higher education including EUCLID and EISMV. | Full Article
The EUCLID Secretary General has received a formal invitation to attend the 25th ACS Ministerial Council and 4th ACS International Cooperation Conference in Barbados. EUCLID will discuss regional programs and its possible role as Social Actor within ACS.
The EUCLID School of Global and Bioethics has been monitoring the development of the COVID19 outbreak, in coordination with the EUCLID Secretariat General. The outbreak is expected to reach pandemic status and have a significant negative impact on the global economic and societal fabric for the next 18-24 months. However, this situation is not expected to affect EUCLID activities.
The EUCLID SG has approved the charter of the Intergovernmental College of Arms and Traditional Societies (ICATS) which will support EUCLID's mandate related to the academic study and understanding of traditional societies, both from a historical as well as contemporary perspective.
EUCLID is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Abdoulaye Sepou as Vice-Chancellor and Under-Secretary-General at EUCLID Bangui's HQ office. Dr Abdoulaye Sepou is practicing medical doctor and professor who previously served as Rector of the University of Bangui.
EUCLID confirms the call for application for the newly launched online PhD in Climate Change and Sustainability which addresses a major need among civil servants, academics and diplomats both in the Global South as well as developed economies.
EUCLID was represented at the AAU (Association of African Universities) conference of rectors and vice-chancellors (known as COREVIP) which took place in Cairo, Egypt, between July 8 and 11, 2019. The meeting was hosted under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Egypt.
EUCLID is pleased to announce the appointment of Winston Doorekan as Under-Secretary-General with a portfolio in global partnership development as well as regional presentation. Mr Dookeran previous served as Central Bank Governor, Minister of Finance and Minister of Foreign Affairs (Trinidad and Tobago). Mr Dookeran will continue to serve as Professor Practice at the University of the West Indies.
The EUCLID Secretary General is pleased to announce that EUCLID has officially become a Party to the IACA Agreement, IACA (International Anti-Corruption Academy) being a specialized intergovermental institution of higher learning based in Austria. Both institutions share a similar legal status and mandate, which may open to the door to future cooperation in higher education programs.
The Master's of Public Health (specifically MIPH) offered by EUCLID (School of Global Health and Bioethics) was recently listed among the world's 25 best Global Health programs, in the company of institutions such as Johns Hopkins University and UC Berkeley. Only two non-US programs were included in this list.
EUCLID is pleased to announce the opening of new positions at the Gambia and C.A.R. headquarters, namely (1) Vice-Chancellor (USG) and (2) Registrar. These represent 4 full-time positions that are of EUCLID overall organization alignment to national and global IQA standards.
For the first time, EUCLID was represented at a specialized higher education summit sponsored by the government of the Russian Federation and organized by UNICA. Possibilities of partnerships, including dual degree programs, were discussed with a number of leading Russian and Eastern European institutions.
EUCLID graduate and professor Fr Cajetan Ebuziem represented EUCLID at the Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) Annual Meeting / 2019 Conference in South Africa (of which EUCLID is an institutional member). Prof Cajetan delivered a lecture entitled "Achieving Religious Peace Across Africa Through Preventive Diplomacy."
EUCLID is pleased to announce the publication of a cover-featured article (in French) in Africa's leading higher education magazine EDUFORM. The article notes the African roots of EUCLID together with the institution's remarkable development and international stature.
EUCLID announces the launch of a peer-reviewed academic journal named "Intergovernmental Research and Policy Journal" (IRPJ). IRPJ focuses on issues relevant to intergovernmental organizations and is managed by the acclaimed Scholastica platform.
EUCLID Under Secretary-General Robin van Puyenbroeck concluded a visit to the Republic of Georgia, during which he met with Dr Kakha Shengelia, President of Caucasus University and also of the International Association of University Presidents. Mr van Puyenbroeck also met and had dinner with HRH Prince Nugzar Bagration-Gruzinsky and Princess Anna Bagration-Gruzinsky.
EUCLID is pleased to announce the establishment of a legal association under French law named CIDEN (Conseil International pour le Développement et l’Enseignement Numérique). In accordance to the French Education Code, CIDEN will now proceed to file the required documentation to formalize the establishment and opening of Pôle Universitaire Euclide (France) in Montpellier in May 2019.
EUCLID is pleased to communicate on a number initiatives and developments, including (1) the appointment of Collen Kepapile; (2) the launch of the AFM Research Institute; (3) SwissCorps entrepreneurship support; (4) Status of institutional procedures.
A respected Springer-published peer review journal, Health Research Policy and Systems, has published an article documenting the remarkable activities and results of EUCLID partner Peoples-uni.
On the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, EUCLID Under-Secretary-General Robin van Puyenbroeck and CAR Minister of Foreign Affairs Charles Armel Doubane officially signed a supplemental headquarters protocol which expands and clarifies the privileges and immunities of EUCLID in the country.
The EUCLID Secretary General, Syed Zahid Ali, attended the joint AUAP - IAUP conference which took place at Surabaya University in Indonesia between July 9 and 12, 2018. During the conference, EUCLID and AUAP signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen their cooperation and synergy in the region.
EUCLID is pleased to announce that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with PEOPLES-UNI which is now in effect.The People’s Open Access Education Initiative (Peoples-uni: mission is “To contribute to improvements in the health of populations in low- to middle-income countries by building Public Health capacity via e-learning at very low cost”.
The President of the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP), Dr. Kakha Shengelia visited the Gambia last week from the 8th to the 10th May 2018. The visit of the IAUP President was facilitated by EUCLID University’s Director of Operations in The Gambia (through the EUCLID Secretary General who has been a member of the IAUP since 2012).
EUCLID is continuing to expand and improve its global faculty body with the arrival of new faculty members as well as an improved IT platform. EUCLID recently developed an "andragogy" course on its own LMS platform as part of its revised faculty orientation, while improving its online faculty information directory. Among new faculty members, EUCLID welcomes Dr Devender Bhalla and Dr Chimdiya Onyeka.
EUCLID turned 10 years old on April 16, 2018, date of entry into force of its initial constitutive mandate under international law (now registered as United Nations Treaty Series 49006). On this occasion, EUCLID expresses its enduring gratitude to two visionary leaders who both happened to be women serving at the Ministerial level, Girlyn Miguel of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Zainab Bangura of Sierra Leone.
On the occasion of its 10th anniversary of legal existence and public service, EUCLID has published a compilation of 10 years of annual reports in PDF format, illustrating 10 years of tireless commitment to fulfil its intergovernmental mandate and accomplish all necessary institutional processes to establish itself as a uniquely positioned leader in open education.
The EUCLID Secretary General is pleased to announce EUCLID's full membership in the Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP). AUAP is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) holding the highest formal consultative status with UNESCO. Its primary purpose is to be the main platform for interaction and collaboration between members, and to be the effective voice of universities in Asia and the Pacific region.
EUCLID is pleased to officially welcome Winston Dookeran to its faculty corps. Dookeran is a former Minister of Finance and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Trinidad and Tobago. He is graduate from the London School of Economics (MSc) and spent some fifteen years as a lecturer at the Department of Economics at the University of the West Indies. He is currently based in Washington, DC.
EUCLID is pleased to confirm to announce the launch of two graduate programs in the field of online and open learning (MODL / DIDOL). These two new programs, placed under the leadership of Dr Bernard Nkuyubwatsi (PhD University of Leicester UK), will provide a suitable academic platform for EUCLID to share its now well-established experience and expertise in open learning. Both programs are now accepting applications with ongoing enrollment.
"Preparing Expert Leaders for International Civil Service and Global Careers"
In the sidelines of the United Nations Association (NY) Annual Gala, EUCLID officially graduated the First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of Guyana to the United Nations, Mr. Mohamed Shiraz. EUCLID High Steward Juan Avila, Ambassador of the Dominican Republic to the UN, and EUCLID Under Secretary-General Robin van Puyenbroeck presented the Master's in Diplomacy and International Affairs diploma before the beginning of the Gala at the Marriott Essex House in New York.
EUCLID Joins Permanent Delegations of Gambia and Central African Republic for Presentation on Interfaith Harmony and Higher Education at UNESCO.
Full list of available programs (from EUCLID's CMS database): | Online BSc in Fundamental and Applied Research (home, mobile) | Online PhD in Global Climate and Energy Policy (home, mobile) | Online BA in International Relations and Global Affairs (home, mobile) | Online PhD in Bioethics (home, mobile) | Online PhD in Bioethics (home, mobile) | Online PhD in Climate Change and Sustainability (home, mobile) | Online PhD in Counter-Terrorism and Deradicalization (home, mobile) | Online PhD in Diplomacy and International Affairs (home, mobile) | Online PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (home, mobile) | Online PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (home, mobile) | Online PhD in Global Energy Policy (home, mobile) | Online PhD in Global Governance (home, mobile) | Online PhD in Global Health and Health Systems (home, mobile) | Online PhD in Instructional Design and Open Learning (home, mobile) | Online PhD in International Law and Treaty Law (home, mobile) | Online PhD in International Public Health (home, mobile) | Online PhD in International Relations and Global Development (home, mobile) | Online PhD in Inter-Religious Dialogue and Diplomacy (home, mobile) | Online PhD in Islamic Finance and Economics (home, mobile) | Online PhD in Mediation and Conflict Resolution (home, mobile) | Online PhD in Monitoring and Evaluation (home, mobile) | Online PhD in Monitoring, Measurement and Evaluation (home, mobile) | Online PhD in Sustainable Development and Diplomacy (home, mobile) | Online Master of Science in Bioethics (home, mobile) | Online MSc in Biostatistics (Epidemiology and Public Health) (home, mobile) | Online MBAMME in Business Administration ME (home, mobile) | Online Intergovernmental Master of Science in Climate Change Studies & Sustainability (home, mobile) | Online Master of Science in Diplomacy and International Affairs (home, mobile) | Online Master of Science in Energy Studies (home, mobile) | Online Master of Business Administration in Energy Studies (home, mobile) | Online Master of Business Administration in Global Entrepreneurship (home, mobile) | Online MSc in Instructional Design and Online Learning (home, mobile) | Online LLM in International Law (home, mobile) | Online Master of Science in International Law and Treaty Law (home, mobile) | Online LLM in International Law and Treaty Law (home, mobile) | Online Master of Business Administration in International Organizations (home, mobile) | Online Master of Science in International Public Health (home, mobile) | Online Master of Science in International Relations and Global Development (home, mobile) | Online Master of Business Administration in Islamic Banking and Finance (home, mobile) | Online Master of Science in Mediation and Conflict Resolution (home, mobile) | Online MME in Monitoring and Evaluation (home, mobile) | Online Master of Business Administration in Sustainable Development (home, mobile) | Online Master of Science in Sustainable Development and Diplomacy (home, mobile) | Online MSc in Terrorism Studies and De-Radicalization (home, mobile)
Discover EUCLID'sonline master in diplomacy and international affairs;master in terrorism studies;PhD in diplomacy and international affairs;LLM in international law and treaty law; andPhD in international law and treaty law.
Discover EUCLID's onlinemaster degree in sustainable developmentand diplomacy (MBAand MSc);PhD in sustainable developmentand diplomacy;PhD in Climate Change; inEnergy Policy; and specialized degrees in Islamic finance (MBAandPhD). Also, EUCLID's onlinemaster's(MSc )andPhDin Instructional Design (Open and Distance Education).
Discover EUCLID'sonline master degree in international public healthandonline PhD in international public health(with specialized Phd in global health and health systems, and PhD in global health and bioethics). These are world-class, non-resident programs, with a focus on critical Global South issues.
Discover EUCLID's onlinemaster degree in interfaith research and diplomacy;PhD in interfaith research and diplomacy; as well as online master's and PhD degrees in comparative theology,Roman Catholic theologyand EasternOrthodox theology.